You’ve registered for Junior Camp! Here are your next steps:
1 - Pay for your registration
Payment has been streamlined to an online system - simply pay here!
If you are paying for more than one child, you can do so in the same transaction, just click the back button after you add the first item to your cart!
This year, we have an early bird payment option for those who pay before 20th May. Just a reminder, the current costs for campers are below:
$260 EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT (limited time only)
$ 320 per camper (first child)
$ 280 for 2nd and 3rd child in same family
PLEASE NOTE: If there are no options to pay for your child, we may have reached capacity for this years camp. Please email FCCJuniorCamp@gmail.com for any enquiries about this.
2 - Get to know your leaders!
You can find out a bit about this year’s leader team here!
All of our leaders have safe ministry training and working children checks.
As this is a church associated camp, we are required to adhere to safe ministry and child protection policies. As a part of this, leaders are considered mandatory reporters and have a legal and moral obligation to report any disclosures that may arise on camp.
We can’t wait to see you on camp and share in the joy of learning about Jesus together!
3 - Need to ask questions?
Our Directors and Camp Parents can be contacted if you have any questions or concerns in the lead up to camp. Simply send an email to FCCJuniorCamp@gmail.com
4 - Start planning what you are going to pack!
You can find a super easy checklist of what to bring to camp here!
Each year there is a fancy dress night for a bit of extra fun. This year you can dress up as a spy or someone in disguise!